The Supply Chain

More sustainable logistics

We are gradually committing ourselves to actions around eco-logistics, in particular by:

  • The use of more responsible packaging with reusable containers in the company’s various flows.
  • Better filling of transport and the use, when necessary, of hubs to optimise truck filling rates
  • The dematerialisation of flow initiation missions, which allows information to circulate more quickly and considerably reduces the use of paper.

All of these flows are controlled by the men and women of the group, assisted by systems that convey information in real time and optimise the missions using calculation algorithms.

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Our supply chain approach is based on 5 principles

– Customer satisfaction, at the heart of our concerns. We want to satisfy our customers by delivering products in accordance with the contract signed with the company under controlled economic conditions.

– Homogeneous processes in all factories through the establishment of standards, suitably adapted to specific sites/markets. Process modelling is supported by the group information system. The supply chain provides support to the logistics of each site according to needs.

– Control of all flows, whether physical, information, administrative or financial. These flows must be controlled, optimised, synchronised and balanced between the various sites. Their sizing is based on the variability of our markets and is ensured by the establishment of group PIC and PDP. It is updated whenever necessary.

– Controlling the accuracy of our stocks and optimising storage resources. Storage requirements are also sized according to needs.

– Performance measurement through the implementation of indicators.

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Optimised flows on our sites

Each production site controls its processes through site logistics and logistics methods. Site logistics manages and optimises the ordering of raw materials, their transformation within the factory and the provision of products at the point of consumption.

Site logistics has 6 main missions:

  1. Managing and maintaining customer order books, organising order preparation and shipping in accordance with commercial contracts
  2. Plan the factory’s production using production plans
  3. Manage the supply plans so that the production plan can be carried out in the best possible conditions
  4. Organise and optimise all internal flows on a daily basis, enabling each workstation to be supplied with components and to take charge of the production carried out
  5. Manage and optimise all storage resources and stocks
  6. Managing the configuration and updating of IT tools (ERP, MES, WMS) for the site

The aim of our logistics approach is to improve and optimise the factory’s flows (from the processing of customer requirements to their deliveries) in order to increase our performance (quality of service provided to internal or external customers and cost optimisation), always with a view to customer satisfaction.

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